AluminumKnotEye Play Highbury Pub

Aluminum Knot Eye 2005 at the Ice Factory by Rob Karlic
Aluminum Knot Eye 2005 at the Ice Factory by Rob Karlic
posted Wednesday Dec 13th, 2006

The long running Wisconsin backwoods weirdo noise outfit AluminumKnotEye are making an appearance this Saturday in Milwaukee at the Highbury Pub. Their unusual and instantly recognizable sound blends post-punk guitar repetition with twisted and tormented vocals that go from 'Mirror Man' Beefheart to something that would come out of a mismatched 80s robot with an ambitious hair-do. Their songs ride the thin line between what appears as natural occurrence and the product of a futuristic technological depression like a debilitated mechanical carp with no practical use. With a decade's worth of self-released cassettes (if ever a medium matched its contents, this is it!) and their first official banner LP on Dead Beat Records and CD on Trick Knee Records in 2004, you'd think there'd be some sort of mud and twig statue up there in Wisconsin dedicated to them. But like most musical enigmas, it'll be too late before the rest pick up on them. Live, they're just as afflicting as the songs they scrape out, opening are Pillow Fight and Fetch the Pliers.