5 Shots: Horizontal Action Blackout 2006
Clone Defects Live at Empty Bottle, Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout 2006
posted Wednesday May 25th, 2011
Final Installment of my promised photo blast from the past, in anticipation of the upcoming Hozac Blackout Fest.
Man, this was already five years ago yet almost seems like yesterday. Oh wait, no, it seems like forever ago and I remember about as much about this one as I do any of the previous! Trying to write something or anything for these has been hard, almost as hard as talking to Miles Raymer from the Chicago Reader for an article that's probably out today. Even though I've met him and think he's a great dude who I feel comfortable around, I just felt like I froze up on the phone. Hopefully my visual chronicle makes up for my lack of verbiage.

The Cuts live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Goodnight Lovin' live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

King Khan and BBQ Show live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Time Flys live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Cheater Slicks live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Mullens live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Mirrors live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Dead Moon live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Live Fast Die live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

Demons Claws live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

The Persuaders live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout

The Oblivans live at Empty Bottle 2006 Horizontal Action Chicago Blackout